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Chapter 4 - Elicitation and Collaboration

 Elicitation and Collaboration

Elicitation with the engagement of stakeholders are the tasks that Business Analysts perform to get information from stakeholders or other sources and confirm the results obtained.

Elicitation and collaboration is never a 'phase' in Business analysis, rather it goes on until the Business Analyst finishes his/her work. Elicitation and collaboration can be planned, unplanned, or both. The Elicitation and Collaboration knowledge area is composed of the following tasks:
• Prepare for Elicitation
• Conduct Elicitation
• Confirm Elicitation Results
• Communicate Business Analysis Information 
• Manage Stakeholder Collaboration

The Core Concept Model in Elicitation and Collaboration:

  • Prepare for Elicitation:
This task involves clarifying the scope of the selected elicitation techniques, collecting the required information and making schedules. Business analysts prepare for elicitation by defining the desired outcomes of the activity, considering the stakeholders involved and the goals of the initiative. 


The elements of preparing for elicitation and collaboration include: Understanding the scope of elicitation, selecting elicitation techniques, setting up logistics,, securing supporting material and preparing stakeholders.

Guidelines and Tools:
 Business Analysis Approach
 Business Objectives
 Existing Business Analysis Information
 Potential Value

  • Conduct Elicitation
Conducting elicitation includes drawing out, exploring, and identifying information relevant to change.

There are three common types of elicitation:

Collaborative: involves direct interaction with stakeholders, and relies on their experiences, expertise, and judgment. 
Research: involves systematically discovering and studying information from materials or sources that are not directly known by stakeholders involved in the change.
Experiments: involves identifying information that could not be known without some sort of controlled test. 

  • Confirm Elicitation Results
Elicited information is confirmed to identify any problems and resolve them before resources are committed to using the information. 

1. Compare Elicitation Results Against Source Information
2. Compare Elicitation Results Against Other Elicitation Results 


• Elicitation Results (confirmed, while the input was unconfirmed elicitation):output that the business analyst and other stakeholders agree correctly and tells about the collected information and confirms that it is relevant and useful as an input to future tasks.

The remaining tasks are:

  • Communicate Business Analysis Information:Business analysts must communicate appropriate information to stakeholders at the right time and in formats that meet their needs.
  • Manage Stakeholder Collaboration:The purpose of Manage Stakeholder Collaboration is to encourage stakeholders to work towards a common goal.


  1. This is an important chapter taught by B.A.BOK about how to collect vital information and utilize it for the benefit of the company and the stakeholders called elicitation. Also collaboration is a very interesting concept in which we get together with the team and achieving common goal which result in elimination of unnecessary competition, which is beneficial for the business and this blog helps me in the enhancement of this chapter by clearly describing about the methods and techniques of elicitation and collaboration. It explains about the inputs and out puts by describing the elements, researches and results which help build concrete confidence in Elicitation and Collaboration.

  2. Elicitation is the drawing forth or receiving of information from stakeholders or other sources. Collaboration is the act of two or more people working together towards a common goal.

  3. Elicitation and collaboration is a task which teach how to complete work by planned, unplanned or by both. From this task I able to learn how election and collaboration worked. Basically it will help you to understand the scope of elicitation, selecting elicitation techniques, setting up logistics, securing supporting material and preparing stakeholders. So, taking information from stakeholders is the task of elicitation and on the other hand, when two or more people work together for achieving a common goal, that's called collaboration.


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