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Chapter 6 - Strategy Analysis

Strategy Analysis

Strategy is a plan of action or policy that deigned to work in the most effective way to apply the capabilities of an enterprise in order to reach a desire set of goals and objectives. On the other hand, strategy analysis refers to the process of conducting research on a company and its environment to formulate a strategy that must be performed to collaborate with stakeholders in order to identify a need of strategic or tactical importance (the business need), enable the enterprise to address that need, and align the resulting strategy for the change with higher and lower-level strategies.

The Strategy Analysis knowledge area includes the following tasks:

Analyze Current State: Current state analysis is a process management strategy that identifies and evaluates a business's current processes and understands the business need and how it relates to the way the enterprise functions today. 

Define Future State: Defines goals and objectives that will demonstrate
that the business need has been satisfied and defines what parts of the
enterprise need to change in order to meet those goals and objectives.

Assess Risks: Understands the uncertainties around the change, considers
the effect those uncertainties may have on the ability to deliver value
through a change, and recommends actions to address risks where

Define Change Strategy: Performs a gap analysis between current and
future state, assesses options for achieving the future state, and
recommends the highest value approach for reaching the future state
including any transition states that may be required along the way.

The Core Concept Model in Strategy Analysis

According to BABOk the core concept model in strategy analysis describes the
relationships among the six core concepts. The following table describes the
usage and application of each of the core concepts within the context of Strategy
Analysis :

Strategy Analysis Input/Output Diagram:

Analyze Current State

The purpose of Analyze Current State is to understand the reasons why an
enterprise needs to change some aspect of how it operates and what would be
directly or indirectly affected by the change.

Analyze Current State Input/Output Diagram:

Define Future State

Define future state makes sure all necessary conditions to meet the business needs. According to  "BABOK"  the future state will be defined at a level of detail that:

• Allows for competing strategies to achieve the future state to be identified
and assessed,
• Provides a clear definition of the outcomes that will satisfy the business
• Details the scope of the solution space,
• Allows for value associated with the future state to be assessed, and
• Enables consensus to be achieved among key stakeholders.

Define Future State Input/Output Diagram

Define Change Strategy

According to "BABOK"  the change strategy clearly describes the nature of the change in terms of:

• Context of the change,
• Identified alternative change strategies,
• Justification for why a particular change strategy is the best approach,
• Investment and resources required to work toward the future state,
• How the enterprise will realize value after the solution is delivered,
• Key stakeholders in the change, and
• Transition states along the way.

This Change strategy depends on the perspective of the change team and their stakeholders. The change strategy might be presented as part of a business case, Statement of Work (SOW), an enterprise’s strategic plan, or in other formats. Basically Change Strategy is to develop and assess alternative approaches to the change, and then select the recommended approach.

Define Change Strategy Input/Output Diagram


  1. Chapter 6 Strategy Analysis is one of a interesting and important chapter of B.A.BOK which explains us about the definition, meaning and techniques for analyzing a strategy. A strategy is tactic or a plan of action carefully planed under supervision and with intention, undertaken to achieve a certain goal. This blog make's it easier to understand that how analyzing a strategy important for a B.A and how different time states can be effected it, also how future state can be shaped by the present state and how it can be defined like defining change strategies and their required inputs and expected outputs are being very carefully explained in this blog.

  2. Strategic analysis is essential if a company has a goal and a mission for themselves. All leading organization like Bell MTS ,who are well known for their achievements have years of strategic planning being implemented at various stages. Strategic planning is a long-term task involving continuous and systematic planning and resource investment.One of the most important functions of strategic planning is to predict future events and deduce alternative strategies if a certain plan doesn’t work out as expected. We use different type of strategic for internal and external analysis.
    SWOT analysis for internal
    PESTLE analysis for external

  3. Strategic Analysis is really important to make a plan for decision making and proper functioning of an organisation by researching organisation and its working environment. A company must make improvements and to do so, strategic analysis must be periodically conducted. This blog helped to learn in depth about how to define strategic analysis and how to use it in a corporation.


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